Mecanica Ceahlau together with Dicor Land, one of the most active distributors of the Romanian manufacturer of agricultural equipment, from the south-east of the country, organized a field demonstration for testing the new equipment from the company’s portfolio.
Farmers who attended the event appreciated the performance of the equipment tested during several hours of field operation.
The equipments tested in field at Costache Negri were: reversible plough Optim with 4 furrows, the independent disc harrow Magnum with 4 meters working width and the seedbed cultivator Solaris with 5 meters working width. Also, the farmers had the opportunity to see the 29 and 48 rows seed drills with double disc coulter SUP 29DK and SUP 48DKL, 8 rows planter with double disc coulter SPM 8DF, MAS 7 subsoiler and STEYR tractors Kompakt 4095, Profi 4130 and CVT 6240, all exposed during the event that took place in Galati County.
We thank to our partner Dicor Land and to all farmers who attended the event for testing the equipments, all made in own concept and manufactured at Piatra Neamt factory.