G.M.S Documents
Current Report convocation OGSM 18.04.2024
1. Proposal for secretaryship election
2. Activity report of the Board of Directors 2023
2. Annual report on the remuneration 2023
2. Audit report Mecanica Ceahlau 2023
3. Proposed distribution of net profit 2023
4. Proposal regarding the discharge of the administrators
5. Proposal remuneration limits 2024
6. Proposal on empowering the General Manager
7. Proposition approval of registration date of Shareholders
1. Proposal for secretaryship election
2. Proposal remuneration limits
2. Ratification Decision of the Board of Directors
3. Proposal for the purchase of a robotic welding system
3. Proposal prescription of the dividends
4. Proposal for the approval of a financial loan or leasing
4. Proposal on empowering the General Manager
5. Proposal for the approval of the application for financing by the PNRR programme
5. Proposition approval of registration date of Shareholders
6. Proposal for the approval cumulative level of guarantees
7. Proposal on empowering the General Manager
8. Proposition approval of registration date of Shareholders
Special Power of Attorney EGMS 30.05.2023
Special Power of Attorney OGMS 30.05.2023
Convocation OGSM and EGSM 30.05.2023
Convocation OGSM and EGSM 20.04.2023
1. Proposal for secretaryship election
2. Activity report of the Board of Directors 2022
4. Proposed distribution of net profit 2022
5. Proposal regarding the discharge of the administrators
6. Proposals for directors’ profit-sharing for 2022
7. Proposal remuneration limits
8. Annual report on the remuneration 2022
9. Proposal on empowering the General Manager
10. Proposition approval of registration date of Shareholders
1. Proposal for secretaryship election
2. Proposal to supplement the Articles of Association of the Company
3. Proposal on the restriction of the Company’s scope of activity
4. Empowerment of the Chairman sign the updated version of the Articles of Association
5. Proposal on empowering the General Manager
6. Proposition approval of registration date of Shareholders
1. Proposal for secretaryship election
2-3 Extension of mandate and financial auditor contract
4. Proposal on empowering the General Manager
5. Proposition approval of registration date of Shareholders
Special Power of Attorney AGOA 13.10.2022
AGOA Special Power of Attorney 18.04.2022
Vote bulletin by mail correspondence for OGMS 18.04.2021
1. Proposal for secretaryship election
2. Activity Report of the Board of Directors 31_12_2021
3. Audit report including ESEF draft Mecanica Ceahlau 2021
3. Financial Statements_31_12_2021
4. Proposed distribution of net profit 2021
5. Proposal regarding the discharge of the administrators
6. Strategic objectives and 2022 Budget
7. Proposals for directors’ profit-sharing for 2021
8. Approval of the prescription of dividends for the financial year 2016
9. Proposal remuneration limits
10. Annual report on the remuneration 2021
11. Proposal on empowering the General Manager
12. Proposition approval of registration date of Shareholders
Activity report CA 2020
Auditors Independent Reports
Financial Statements 2020
Proposal for loss cover
Proposal for profit participation
Proposal for secretaryship election
Proposal on empowering the General Manager
Proposal regarding the discharge of the administrators
Proposal remuneration limits
Proposition approval of registration date of Shareholders
Revocation and appointment of the financial auditor
Strategic objectives and 2021 Budget
The remuneration policy
AGOA Special Power of Attorney 26.04.2021
Ballot to cast by Post OGMS 26.04.2021
Approval of the cumulative level of guarantees
Proposal for secretaryship election
Proposal on empowering the General Manager
Proposition approval of registration date of Shareholders
Ratification Decision of the Board of Directors
Ballot to cast by Post AGEA 26.04.2021
EGMS Special Power of Attorney 26.04.2021
Information OGSM deployment referring COVID 19
Ballot to cast by Post OGMS 22.04.2020
OGMS Special Power of Attorney 22.04.2020
Activity Report of the Board of Directors 2019
Financial Statements 2019
Proposal for dividend distribution
Proposal for prescribing dividends for the financial year 2012, 2014 and 2015
Proposal for profit participation
Proposal for secretaryship election
Proposal on empowering the General Manager
Proposal regarding the discharge of the administrators
Proposal remuneration limits
Proposed distribution of non-distributed profit 2018 and from revaluation
Proposed profit sharing 2019
Proposition approval of registration date of Shareholders
Strategic objectives and 2020 Budget
Current Report OGSM and EGSM 19.04.2018
Ballot to cast by Post EGMS 19.04.2018
Special Power of Attorney EGMS 19.04.2018
EGMS Completed convocation_19.04.2018
BoD Decision_03.05.2017
Note to the BoDs decision from 03.05.2017
Current Report convocation EGSM_19.04.2018
EGMS Proposal for Secretayship election 2018
EGMS Proposal of the registration date
EGMS Proposal on empowering the BoD Chairman to sign the Articles of Incorporation
EGMS Proposal on empowering the General Manager
Current Report OGSM and EGSM 19.04.2018
Ballot by mail (secret vote) OGMS 19.04.2018
Ballot to cast by Post OGMS 19.04.2018
Special Power of Attorney (secret vote) OGMS 19.04.2018
Special Power of Attorney OGMS 19.04.2018
Current report-completion of the agenda OGMS_19.04.2018
OGMS Completed convocation_19.04.2018
BoD annual report_2017
Current Report convocation OGSM_19.04.2018
OGMS Proposal for Secretaryship election
OGMS Proposal of the registration date
OGMS Proposal on empowering the General Manager
OGMS Proposal remuneration limits 2018
OGMS Proposals for profit nonparticipation
OGMS Strategic objectives and 2018 Budget
Ballot by mail (secret vote) OGMS_24.11.2017
Ballot by mail OGMS_24.11.2017
Special Power of Attorney OGMS (secret vote)_24.11.2017
Special Power of Attorney OGMS_24.11.2017
2. The proposal LIST for applications of the election to the Board of Directors
Current report OGMS 24.11.2017
Current Report OGMS 24.11.2017
Appendix 1_BoD Resolution
Appendix 2_Explanatory note for securities
Approval of the registration date
Draft amendment to Constitutive Act
EGMS Ballot by mail updated 24.03.2015
EGMS Ballot by mail
EGMS Draft decisions_16.04.2015
EGMS Special power of attorney updated 24.03.2015
EGMS Special power of attorney
Nominations for EGMS Secretariat
OGMS and EGMS Convocation_16.04.2015
Proposal to ratify the BoD Resolution No 1 from 14.01.2015
Annual report of the Board of Directors_2014
Approval of the registration date
Directions and BIE_2015
Directors and administrators remuneration limits_2015
Financial statement_31.12.2014
Independent auditors report_31.12.2014
List of candidates
Necessary documents for the candidates register list
Nominations for OGMS Secretariat
OGMS and EGMS Convocation_16.04.2015
OGMS Ballot by mail updated 24.03.2015
OGMS Ballot by mail
OGMS Draft decisions_16.04.2015
OGMS Special power of attorney updated 24.03.2015
OGMS Special power of attorney
Participation to profit proposal for Managers_2014
Profit sharing proposal_2014
Proposition to discharge of the Managers’ liability_2014
Annual report of the Board of Directors_2013
Approval of the registration date
Chair of the Board of Directors resignation
Directions and BIE_2014
Directors and administrators remuneration limits
EGMS and OGMS Convocation_14.04.2014
Election of the Shareholders’ secretaryship
Financial statements_31.12.2013
Independent auditor’s report_31.12.2013
OGMS Ballot by mail
OGMS Draft decisions
Profit sharing proposal_2013
Proposal to empower CA to negotiate the management agreements
Proposal to end the dissolution of the former general manager
Proposition to discharge of the Managers’ liability_2013
Appendix 1_2014 Investments
Approval of the registration date
Empowerment proposal for Board of Directors to negotiate management agreements
OGMS Ballot by mail
OGMS Draft decisions_30.10.2014
OGMS Election of the Shareholders’ secretaryship
OGMS Empowerment proposal for Board of Directors secretary
OGMS Nominations for the Shareholders’ secretaryship
OGMS Proposal regarding draft decisions modifications from 15.04.2014
OGMS Special power of attorney
Proposal amending Company Constitutive Act
Proposal to ratify the BoD Resolution No 2 of 10.06.2014
Proposals regarding additions to the investments programme
Addendum no.4
Analysis of financing needs
Annexe 1_19.02.2013
Annexe 2_19.02.2013
Answers to shareholders questions_05.02.2013
EGMS Ballot sheet
EGMS Draft decisions_19.02.2013
Expected Financial Outcomes
Investment and research report_2012
Investment plan and BIE_2013
OGMS and EGMS Convening_19.02.2013
OGMS Ballot sheet complet
OGMS Ballot sheet
OGMS Draft decisions completed_19.02.2013
OGMS Draft decisions_19.02.2013
Approval of the registration date
Board Directors insurance policy
Candidates list submitted to be elected in the board
Current report_22.10.2013
Documents needed for the Manager election Draft BIE_2013
Draft rectification BIE_2013
Election of the Board of Directors
Election of the Shareholders’ secretaryship
Management agreement
Manager’s remuneration
Monitorul Oficial rectification_05.11.2013
OGMS Ballot by mail
OGMS Draft decisions_25.11.2013
OGMS The empowerment of the Chair of the meeting
Revocation of the Board of Directors
Annual report of the Board of Directors and BIE_2012
Information on the use of the amounts resulted from capital increase
Informative memo on the wages policy
Memo on sustaining the credit needs_2012
OGMS and EGMS Convocation_26.01.2012
OGMS Ballot sheet_26.01.2012
OGMS Draft decisions_26.01.2012
Preliminary financial results_31.12.2011
Request for approval of the credit ceilings with the proper guarantees
Annual report of the Board of Directors and BIE
Assessment project investment costs
Information regarding the pre-feasibility study for private parking
OGMS and EGMS Convocation_28.01.2011
OGMS Ballot by mail
OGMS Draft decision_28.01.2011
Preliminary financial results_31.12.2010
Proposals for financing the project for private parking
Request for approval of the credit ceilings with the proper guarantees
Annual report of the Board of Directors_2010 CNVM adress
CNVM Response
Current report_27.04.2011
Financial statements_31.12.2010
Independent auditor’s report_2010
OGMS Ballot by mail_27.04.2011
OGMS Convocation_27.04.2011
OGMS Draft decisions_27.04.2011
Proposal for the distribution of the completed profit
Proposal regarding the limits of remuneration