Mecanica Ceahlau – new session of field demonstrations

This year, Ceahlau Mecanica started the field demonstrations alongside its partner Ampa Agricultura and the farmers from Ialomita County and then continued with the farmers from Olt County and its partner Cesivo Agricultura. The farmers present at the event were able to see all the equipments used for soil processing, at work: the Optim reversible plow, the independent disc harrow Magnum, the GD 5.2 disc harrow tested both in plowed field and directly in stubble and the seedbed cultivator Solaris. All the tested equipments are part of the new range of products that Mecanica Ceahlau has in its portfolio and the farmers can benefit from very advantageous financing conditions for their purchase. All the farmers presented at the events have greatly appreciated the reliability of the tested equipments and their ability to perform to a very good level, even in the heavy conditions of a strong soil. In addition to the tested equipments, the farmers also had the opportunity to study the Steyr tractors exhibited during the events.

The field demonstration session with Mecanica Ceahlau equipments will continue along the year all over the country. For more information about Mecanica Ceahlau’s products, please contact our sales representatives. Thank you all for your shown interest and for joining us.