Mecanica Ceahlau equipments at Agromalim fair

Principala Agromalim

More Mecanica Ceahlau equipments from the new generation have been recently exposed for the farmers in Arad, at the Agromalim fair, organized between 10th to 13rd of September at Arad Expo.

The company participated with its distribution partner Tehnosad Agricultura, exposing on a 180 sqm area, 5 equipments from its portfolio:

  • Solaris seedbed cultivator equipped with spring kit

  • Optim plough with 4 furrows

  • SUP 29DK seed drill with compaction wheels

  • Magnum harrow

  • Steyr Profi Classic 6140 tractor

The Agromalim fair from Arad is the 3rd event from this fall, to which Mecanica Ceahlau attends, after Agralim (Iasi County), respectively the Corn Day (Ialomita County).

The company’s presence at specialized events targeting Romanian farmers, occurs after a large field testing campaign of the new generation of equipments of the Romanian producer, held throughout the summer, so that the farmers across the country can test the capabilities of the equipments provided by Mecanica Ceahlău in 2015.