MAS 7 Heavy subsoiler

SKU: MAS 7 Categories: ,


MAS heavy subsoilers represent the optimal solution for tillage after repeated plowing, breaking the formed harp and making a deep loosening, which allows water to easily penetrate the roots of plants. After processing, the surface layer does not remain smooth, which does not allow the formation of hard crust after rain, allowing water to circulate in the soil and slow evaporation. They can successfully replace the plowing operation, preventing the formation of ditches and upper ridges.


• The battery with serrated discs is crushing the boulders from surfaces and destroys the crop loosens and compacting the soil
• Removable and reversible chisel
• Disc battery with adjustable angle of attack between 0-18 degrees
• The depth adjustment for the work sections is made from the control of the tractor tie rods
• Hydraulic adjustment of the working depth of the disc battery
• The hydraulic cylinders adjust the working depth of the disc battery
• Shear bolts for the protection of overloaded work sections


Machine typeworn
Power required[CP]200 - 280
Working width [m]3.5
Disk diameter [mm]660
Distance between disks[cm]22
Working depth[cm]*max. 65
Number of active organs[m]7
Distantance between organs [m]0.5
Productivity [ha/h]2
Dimensions[Lxlxh](m)3.2 x 3.5 x 1.6
* Depending on soil conditions