GD 3.2 Disc harrows

SKU: GD 3.2 Categories: ,


Disc harrows are ideal tools for processing the germination bed for sowing, crushing lumps and loosening the soil. Used in conditions of optimal soil moisture, energy consumption is minimal and the incorporation of natural fertilizer and manure is done in a single pass. The roots of the weeds sprouted after plowing are completely destroyed, which leads to a low consumption of herbicides and to the achievement of optimal conditions for the development of crop plants. It is used in medium and heavy soils, on flat ground or with a maximum slope of 12 degrees.


• Disc bearings equipped with spherical and oscillating UC type bearings, which take over both radial and axial loads
• 3-step adjustment of the angle of attack of disc batteries: 12-15-18 degrees
• Adjustable working depth in rollers
• Notched discs with energetic drive and low ground slip
• Located posteriorly, the smooth discs ensure the crushing and leveling of the soil behind the notched discs
• The positioning of the harrow during work or transport is performed with the help of the hydraulic cylinder


Machine typeworn
Power required[CP]65 - 80
Working width [m]3.2
Disc number36
Disc diameter [mm]460
Distance between discs[cm]17.5
Baterry arrangement"X"
Working depth [cm]*max. 12
Productivity [ha/h]1.3 - 2.1
Transport speed [km/h]10
Working speed[km/h]4 - 8
Dimensions in working process[Lxlxh](m)3.2 x 3.3 x 0.8
Dimensions in transport process [Lxlxh](m)3.2 x 3.3 x 1.1
* Depending on soil conditions